Yatai Restaurant(restaurant)

Yatai is Food Truck open air restaurant. It is Fukuoka culture. They have only six to eight seats, and come and set up for open around 4pm. Mostly, they have Ramen, Oden, Beer, Sake and more. It depends on the yatai. For people who live in Fukuoka, it is common to eat Ramen after drinking alcohol at Yatai. Eat at Yatai is one of the famous route at Fukuoka trip for Japanese. As I mentioned earlier, they have small space, so distance between guests each other and chef. It is useful to become friends.

The Yatai where I visited this time, it was bit different from typical Yatai. Basically Yatai come and open evening,but this Yatai Restaurant open from morning, and have many seats.

If I need to name them, I say Big Yatai. Because they have bigger space, much number of menu and longer opening hour.

I orderd Tonkotsu Ramen and beef skewers. It costs $6(Ramen) and $7(skewers).

They have Oden as well. We need to pick up by ourselves, and tell the number to server. This looks like Home-Made food:)

It is not chain restaurant, therefore you can only see at Fukuoka. If it is bit difficult to try typical Yatai, they are best to experience Fukuoka culture.


go go go there:)

≪Phrase at Yatai≫

「I chose five oden」
⇒「Oden wo Goko Torimashita」(おでんを五個取りました)

Goko : Five
Torimashita : picked up

「Check please」
⇒「Okaikei wo Onegaishimasu」(お会計をお願いします)

Okaikei : check
Onegaishimasu : please

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